Friday, 19 October 2012

immigration invitation letter sample

immigration invitation letter sample | immigration invitation letter template
here is immigration invitation letter sample. please edit this sample to create your invitation.

The purpose of the Invitation Letter to Immigration is not only to invite a foreign visitor to OUHSC, but also to ensure they receive the proper visa status upon entering the United States.

·         This letter should be given to the immigration inspector upon arriving in the U.S.  The visitor should receive a B-1 or Visa Waiver for Business (WB) status.

·         The information in bold and parenthesis should be completed by the department inviting the individual. Remove the bold and parenthesis once the information has been inserted.

o   Date – Date letter is created.
o   Name - Name of the individual who is being invited and their title.
o   Attend/Visit – Choose whichever is appropriate.
o   Workshop, conference, give lecture, etc – Specify why the visitor is coming to OUHSC.
o   Department - Name of the department that is inviting the individual.
o   (date) to (date) -  Range of dates the service will be provided.
o   OUHSC Sponsoring Department Information: Signature, Name, Title, Location, Phone Number, Fax Number, etc for a representative of the department.  Preferably, this section should completed by the person who initially invited the individual to OUHSC.

·         Once completed by the inviting department, the letter should be printed on University letterhead and signed.

B-1/WB Invitation Letter
May 2007


United States Immigration Inspector

Re:  Letter of Invitation for (name)
Visitor for Business to University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC)

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

(Name) has been invited to (attend) (visit) the (workshop, conference, give lecture, etc), sponsored by (department) at OUHSC for the period (date) to (date).  (Name) is expected to receive an honorarium for their services.

Please ensure the proper nonimmigrant status is assigned to the visitor: B-1 or Visa Waiver for Business (WB) and I-94.

The B-1 or WB will permit the University to process an honorarium for this visitor.  The visitor must present passport, visa, and the I-94 shortly after arriving at OUHSC.

Thank you for attention to this matter.


(OUHSC sponsoring department information)

1 comment:

  1. Sample Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa: Friends ... Dear Enzo and Gianna,. I would like to invite you to come visit me in the United States ... here are some blogs about templates

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